Structure of Expertise
Coordination Committee
Chair: Dara Lynott, EAI
Brexit Task Force – Chair: Peter O’Shea, ESB
Current Issues
- EAI Strategic Objectives
- Industry-wide issues

Dara Lynott
Chief Executive Officer
Policy Committee
Chair: Clive Bowers, ESB
Vice Chair: Cian Fitzgerald, Energia
RES WG – Chair: Cian Fitzgerald, Energia
Current issues
- ROI and NI energy policy
- Security of Supply
- Electrification
- RESS auction parameters and Offshore Grid

Clive Bowers
Policy Manager, ESB

Cian Fitzgerald
Senior Regulation Analyst, Energia
Markets Committee
Chair: Stacy Feldmann, SSE
Vice Chair: David Morrow, Energia
DS3 WG – Chair: Paraic Higgins, ESB
Gas WG – Chair: William Carr, ESB
Current Issues
- Capacity market
- The Role of Data Centres
- Future Arrangements for System Services
- Future Market Design
- Future Role of Gas

Stacy Feldmann
Regulation Manager – Generation & Wholesale markets, SSE

David Morrow
Senior Policy Analyst, Energia
Retail Committee
Chair: Colm Ó Gormáin, SSE Airtricity
Vice Chair: Caoimhe McWeeney, Energia
Energy Efficiency WG – Chair: Cormac Mannion, Energia.
Data TF – Rotating Chair
Current Issues
- CEP Implementation and revised European ambition and legislation
- National Smart Meter Programme
- Microgeneration
- Energy Efficiency
- Data

Colm Ó Gormáin
Head Of Regulatory Affairs, SSE Airtricity

Caoimhe McWeeney
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Energia