EA Ireland

EAI Conference 2024

On November 7th the Electricity Association of Ireland were delighted to provide an informative and engaging day on the topic ‘Our Zero e-Mission Future’.

Industry leaders across generation and supply gathered at the Whyte Hall at the Royal Irish Academy of Music to discuss the developments being made by their business to facilitate a cleaner, greener energy supply. At a time of increased government ambition and with a little over 5 years to go to 2030, now is the time for the Sector to turn its attention to achieving a post-2030 Zero e-Mission Future and ensure that the correct policy signals stimulate appropriate market incentives and the right investments for a cost-effective transition.

This conference was aptly timed as it gave the audience an insight into the future of energy in Ireland and a perfect platform to launch several policy papers that outline the collective view of the electricity sector on achieving our post 2030 zero e-Mission.

A full debrief of the event can be found here: 20241212 EAI Conference Summary

EAI’s Strategic Papers can be found here: Our Zero e-Mission Future – EA Ireland