EA Ireland

EAI Letter to DECC Regarding the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme.

On the 22nd of October 2021, EAI submitted a letter to the Department of Environment Climate and Communications regarding the expected shortfall in the Obligation Targets for 2021. Our letter will focus on EAI’s member’s concerns regarding the design of the EEOS 2022-2030 decision paper.  Highlighting the issues and challenges faced by Obligated Parties in meeting 2021 targets, noting continued  the effort of our members to deliver as many projects as possible by the end of 2021, the continued monitoring of their progress towards meeting targets for this year of the scheme and outline a pathway that would still enable Ireland to meet its 2030 Energy Efficiency Targets  as required by the Energy Efficiency Directive. and requesting certainty form the Department regarding their decision on penalties.


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