On behalf of participants in the Single Electricity Market (SEM), the Electricity Association of Ireland (EAI) welcomes the opportunity to respond to ENTSO-E’s assessment of implementing enduring electricity trading arrangements between GB and its bordering bidding zones (BBZs), or Multi-Region Loose Volume Coupling (MRLVC) as envisaged in the TCA between the EU and UK.
Whilst this opportunity is welcomed, it is also belated as the first real opportunity for participants to input to the LVC concept as it pertains to trading between GB and the EU. It goes without saying that the preference for SEM participants is a swift return to the implicit day ahead market coupling arrangements that preceded Brexit. Enduring arrangements should seek to regain the efficiencies that have been lost and should also be future-proofed for the anticipated evolution of the European electricity grid, including increased transmission infrastructure involving Member States, Third Countries and offshore renewable electricity infrastructure.