EA Ireland


The Electricity Association of Ireland (EAI) is the representative body for the electricity industry and gas retail sector operating within the Single Energy Market (SEM) on the Island of Ireland.

Our membership comprises utilities that represent 90% of generation and retail business activities and 100% of distribution within the market. Our members range in size from single plant operators and independent suppliers to international power utilities.

Electricity has a fundamental role in providing energy services in a decarbonised future, in particular through the progressive electrification of transport and heating. We believe that this can be achieved, in the overall interest of society, through competitive markets that support customer preference and sustainable investment. We promote this vision through constructive engagement with key policy, regulatory, technology and academic stakeholders both at domestic and EU levels. 


Click here to read the EAI Brochure.

EAI represents the Irish electricity industry in Eurelectric and helps shape the broader European response to developing policy and legislative initiatives.

Eurelectric is the sector association which represents the common interests of the electricity industry at pan-European level, plus its affiliates and associates on several other continents. It currently has over 34 full members, representing the electricity industry in 32 European countries. The EAI is represented on all the  Committees and Working groups of Eurelectric.


Eurelectric Wholesale Markets and Investments CommitteePositionNameOrganisation
CommitteeMemberJag BasiESB
CommitteeSubstituteStacy FeldmannSSE
WG Market Integration & Network CodesMemberAndrew KellyESB
WG Market Integration & Network CodesSubstituteDavid MorrowEnergia
WG Wholesale Market Design and Investment FrameworksMemberKevin HannafinEnergia
WG Wholesale Market Design and Investment FrameworksSubstituteStacy FeldmannSSE
WG Financial Regulation & Market IntegrityMemberJulia Ruiz-VanoElectroroute
WG Financial Regulation & Market IntegritySubstituteParaic HigginsESB
WG Power and Gas MemberWilliam CarrESB
WG Power and GasSubstituteTherese Lannon CreanSSE
Eurelectric Generation & Environment CommitteePositionNameOrganisation
CommitteeMemberDavid MorrowEnergia
CommitteeSubstituteClive BowersESB
WG Climate Change & DecarbonisationMemberCian FitzgeraldEnergia
WG Climate Change & DecarbonisationSubstituteNiamh FarrenBord Gais
WG RES & StorageMemberAnca StanciuEnergia
WG HydroMemberAlexandros AngeloopoulosESB
WG Thermal & NuclearMemberTina McManusESB
WG Thermal & NuclearSubstituteEoghan CudmoreBnM
Eurelectric Distribution & Market Facilitation CommitteePositionNameOrganisation
CommitteeMemberDonal CreanESBN
CommitteeSubstituteGrainne O'SheaESBN
WG Sustainable Network TechnologyMemberStewart FloodESBN
WG Regulation and Network CustomersMemberTony HearneESBN
Distributed Flexibility & Data ManagementMemberAoifeESBN
Eurelectric Electrification & Sustainability CommitteePositionNameOrganisation
CommitteeMemberClive BowersESB
CommitteeSubstituteDavid FlanaganEAI
WG Electrification & Energy EfficiencyMemberAna SerdonerSSE
WG Electrification & Energy EfficiencySubstituteDonal HynesBGE
WG E-MobilityMemberWendy GallagherESB
WG E-MobilitySubsitituteAnca StanciuEnergia
WG Industrial CompetitivenessMemberVacant
WG Industrial CompetitivenessSubstituteJason HerbertEAI
Eurelectric Customer & Retail Services CommitteePositionNameAffiliation
CommitteeMemberColm O'GormainSSE
CommitteeSubstitute (and VC)Caoimhe McWeeneyEnergia
WG New Services and CustomersMemberStephanie MicejBGE
WG New Services and CustomersSubstituteMark PhelanElectric Ireland
WG Retail Market DesignMemberCaoimhe McWeeneyEnergia
WG Retail Market DesignSubstituteJamie BurkeElectric Ireland
Eurelectric BoardPositionNameOrganisation
BoardMemberDara LynottEAI